Athens More than a Summer Holiday Destination

Level 2 Level 3
İngilizce Öğren LingoVivo News

Many people like to go to the Greek islands for a vacation in the summer. But Athens is good all year round.

Athens has an old city called the Acropolis. It's on a hill, and there's a famous temple called the Parthenon, built a very long time ago. You can climb up and see great views of the sea, mountains, and a hill called Lycabettus.

After that, you can walk around Plaka and Monastiraki. Plaka has nice yellow and white buildings on stone streets. You can buy gifts or have Greek coffee or food in the restaurants. Monastiraki has markets where you can experience real Greek life.

Near the center is the Panathenaic Stadium. It's old and was fixed up for the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. People finish the Athens marathon here. If you like running, you can feel like an Olympic winner too!


1- What is the old city in Athens called?

2- What famous temple is on the Acropolis hill?

3- What can you do in Plaka?


You have completed the comprehension questions. 

Parts of this lesson are based on: An article Engoo Daily News.