30 Minutes of Muscle Training Can Lower Risk of Death

Level 1 Level 3
İngilizce Öğren LingoVivo News

According to Japanese researchers, engaging in muscle-strengthening exercises for just 30 to 60 minutes per week can significantly reduce the risk of early death. Such exercises encompass activities like push-ups, yoga, and stair climbing. The researchers analyzed data from 16 previously conducted studies, involving 4,000 to 480,000 adult participants from the US, England, Scotland, Australia, and Japan. The participants were generally healthy, with monitoring extending over at least two years.

The findings, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, revealed a 10% to 20% lower risk of early death from all causes among individuals who engaged in 30 to 60 minutes of strength or weight training per week. This exercise regimen also demonstrated a comparable reduction in the risks of heart disease and cancer. Notably, those who combined muscle training with aerobic activity exhibited a more substantial decrease in the risk of death from all causes (40%), heart disease (46%), and cancer (28%).

However, the study indicated that exceeding 130 to 140 minutes of muscle training did not maintain the same positive health impact, with noticeable effects primarily related to diabetes.

University of Minnesota professor William Roberts, not involved in the study, emphasized the study's value for individuals seeking health improvements with limited time for exercise, as reported by CNN.


1- What activities are mentioned as examples of muscle-strengthening exercises?

2- How many studies did the Japanese researchers analyze for their findings?

3- What did the study indicate about the effects of exceeding 130 to 140 minutes of muscle training?


You have completed the comprehension questions. 

Parts of this lesson are based on: An article Enoo Daily News..