Why Americans Walk Less than Europeans

Level 1 Level 3
İngilizce Öğren LingoVivo News

A recent study sheds light on the notable difference in walking habits between Americans and Europeans. The average US adult makes only 12% of their daily trips on foot, in contrast to the United Kingdom, where people walk for 26% of their trips. France follows closely at 24%, with Germany and Finland at 22%. Beyond the cultural affinity for cars in the US, the study points to significant factors influencing these patterns. The lower population density in the US often results in longer trips for various activities, making walking less practical. Moreover, safety concerns play a crucial role, as pedestrians in the US face a significantly higher risk of accidents, with up to 10 times more fatalities than in Germany, Denmark, or the Netherlands. The study emphasizes the adverse impact of safety concerns and suboptimal walking conditions on encouraging walking in the US.


1- What are the reasons behind Americans walking less than Europeans, as highlighted in the passage?

2- How does the lower population density in the US affect walking opportunities?

3- What is a significant point emphasized by the study regarding safety concerns?


You have completed the comprehension questions. 

Parts of this lesson are based on: An article by Bill Smith.