Exercise Linked to Feeling Fulfilled in Life

Level 1 Level 3
İngilizce Öğren LingoVivo News

A recent survey conducted by the Japan Sports Agency revealed a significant correlation between regular exercise and a heightened sense of fulfillment in middle-aged and older individuals. The survey, carried out between May and October 2022, engaged over 56,000 participants who reported their weekly exercise frequency and duration, as well as their perception of life fulfillment.

In the analysis, researchers focused on the relationship between exercise habits and the sense of fulfillment among adults in their 40s and those in their 70s. The findings indicated that among men in their 40s who engaged in at least one hour of exercise three days a week or more, 42% reported feeling fulfilled in life. In contrast, only 18% of men in the same age group who rarely exercised expressed a sense of fulfillment. Similar patterns were observed among women in their 40s.

For individuals in their 70s, the trend continued, with 47% of exercising men and 45% of exercising women reporting a heightened sense of fulfillment. Intriguingly, even those in their 70s who did not exercise much still experienced a significant level of fulfillment — 30% for men and 26% for women.

While the survey did not definitively establish whether exercise directly contributes to a sense of fulfillment or if fulfilled individuals are more likely to engage in physical activity, co-researcher Noriko Sekine from the Open University of Tokyo suggested a reciprocal relationship between the two. Regardless, the study implies that incorporating regular exercise into one's routine may contribute positively to an enhanced sense of fulfillment in life.


1- What does the recent survey by the Japan Sports Agency reveal about the correlation between exercise and fulfillment?

2- What percentage of men in their 40s felt fulfilled when they engaged in at least one hour of exercise three days a week or more?

3- What does Noriko Sekine suggest about the relationship between exercise and fulfillment?


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Parts of this lesson are based on: An article Engoo Daily News.