Work from Home Study We Save Time but Work More

Level 1 Level 3
İngilizce Öğren LingoVivo News

A recent study by the US-based National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) examined the impact of remote work on time use in 27 countries. The research found that, on average, individuals working from home save approximately 72 minutes daily by eliminating the commute. Notable variations exist among countries, with China, Japan, and India reporting time savings of 102, 100, and 99 minutes, respectively. Surprisingly, the study reveals that 40% of the saved time is redirected toward work-related activities, including the primary job or additional employment. Countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan report using more than half of the saved time for work-related tasks.

Interestingly, the remaining time is allocated differently across regions. Approximately 34% is dedicated to leisure activities, with Germany and Austria leading in leisure utilization, allocating almost half of the extra time to free activities. Additionally, 11% of the saved time, equivalent to around eight minutes per day, is spent on caregiving responsibilities, primarily looking after children or family members. The study suggests that while children benefit from parents working at home, employers emerge as the primary beneficiaries, gaining additional work hours from employees.


1- What organization conducted the study on the impact of remote work on time use?

2- Which three countries reported the most substantial time savings from working at home, according to the study?

3- What is the primary finding regarding the allocation of saved time, according to the study?


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Parts of this lesson are based on: An article Engoo Daily News.